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Liberty's Last Stand is dedicated to advancing President Donald J. Trump’s America First Agenda...
Every truly MAGA patriot can agree that all career politicians from the radical left Marxists to the globalist owned, uniparty RINOs that America and our Constitution have been under siege by these self serving lunatics for well over one hundred years. That was until 2016 when the American people finally gave the deep state its walking papers and elected the greatest President in our lifetime, Donald J. Trump! During his first term, the RINOs sought to undermine President Trump time after time, impeding him around many corners. 
Save America

Then in 2020 the RINOs showed their true colors once again by certifying a stolen election. On November 5th of this year, by the grace of God, Donald J. Trump was elected again in a landslide! The mission of Liberty’s Last Stand PAC is to help MAGA candidates primary, once and for all, any RINO who seeks to undermine President Donald J. Trump! 
President Trump has given Congress his mandate and his nominations for his cabinet. If at any point any RINO tries to go against these mandates or not confirm Trump’s cabinet nominations, Liberty’s Last Stand will go into action and find the best MAGA patriot to primary and fill the seat of any RINO attempting to subvert MAKING AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!

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